For my friends and fb fans know that cooking is one of my favorite hobbies. However, do you all realise that the kitchen cutting board we use is safe? 发现了我家的砧板已经面目全非了。最近多了一个新爱~麦纤维制造的全天然砧板。 健康无毒,不含双酚A、塑化剂、荧光剂等对人体有害的成分,本身带有淡淡的麦香味道,不渗透不生霉菌,容易清理,适合长期使用。超爱这个新的砧板,而且还有天然的麦香味~~~让我料理也很开心 Since i meet this husk cutting board....i really love it. It's fully eco-friendly, biodergradable, natural, anti bacteria, BPA free and non-toxic. here is the reasons i love it. In high temperature & moist conditions of the kitchen, bacteria can grow easily. Test on cutting board that have been used for 3 months, Can you imagine how much bacteria we are consuming??? Each square inches contains 2 millions bacterias!!!! Here are the cutting board i used for sometimes, top is a brand name "IKXX" which i bought RM10 and bottom is husks board i used with same price. After sometimes...the results is scary 看看我以前的从“I”牌店买回来的塑料砧板,,有够恶心了。。里面藏了多少的“细菌”?? Don't save your ...