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无需再外购买昂贵的早餐, 自己动手做,健康又营养 让煮蛋器轻松帮你解决。 妈妈,上班族,甚至小孩也可以亲手做。 我们也贴心为您收集了各种各样的食谱。让你的 早餐多样化,营养又好吃 。 美味海苔蛋卷 材料 :海苔片, 鸡蛋2粒 做法:   1. 机子先预热1~2分钟 2. 倒入少许食用油至煎烤管内并用抹油杆上下来回移动,让油均匀分布在整个煎烤管中。 3. 打入鸡蛋至煎烤管中,插入竹签,大约9~12分钟后,鸡蛋熟了,呈棒状自底部自动慢慢上升,升起约1/3时,使用竹签慢慢提拉出或用筷子夹出。 4. 将蛋卷切为数段后,在表面包上海苔即可食用。 台式肉松蛋卷 材料:肉松,鸡蛋2粒 做法: 1. 机子先预热1~2分钟 2. 倒入少许食用油至煎烤管内并用抹油杆上下来回移动,让油均匀分布在整个煎烤管中。 3. 打入鸡蛋至煎烤管中,插入竹签,大约9~12分钟后,鸡蛋熟了,呈棒状自底部自动慢慢上升,升起约1/3时,使用竹签慢慢提拉出或用筷子夹出。 4. 撒上肉松,即可食用。 活力培根蛋卷 材料: 培根切成小片,鸡蛋一粒,番茄酱少许 做法: 1. 机子先预热1~2分钟,培根丁稍微搅拌蛋液后备用。 2. 倒入少许食用油至煎烤管内并用抹油杆上下来回移动,让油均匀分布在整个煎烤管中。 3. 打入鸡蛋至煎烤管中,插入竹签,大约9~12分钟后,鸡蛋熟了,呈棒状自底部自动慢慢上升,升起约1/3时,使用竹签慢慢提拉出或用筷子夹出。 4. 将蛋卷切为数段后,淋上少许番茄酱,即可食用。 九岑塔香蛋卷 材料: 九层塔叶切碎少许, 调味料少许,鸡蛋1粒 做法: 1. 机子先预热1~2分钟,九层塔叶稍微搅拌蛋液后备用。 2. 倒入少许食用油至煎烤管内并用抹油杆上下来回移动,让油均匀分布在整个煎烤管中。 3. 打入鸡蛋至煎烤管中,插入竹签,大约9~12分钟后,鸡蛋熟了,呈棒状自底部自动慢慢上升,升起约1/3时,使用竹签慢慢提拉出或用筷子夹出。 4. 将蛋卷切为数段后,即可食用。 营养番茄蛋卷 材料: 番茄切丁少许,鸡蛋1粒,调味料少许 ...

How to storage my hair dryer

A lot of friends ask me weather this hair dryer holder storing enough to hold..?? The answer is yes!  I stick it since 2 months ago and still never fell off. Really recommend it. The suction is really powerful. Different with others outside selling. Now I can hold my hair dryer with netly and organisely.  I hide it inside my wardrobe and use it plug it when I need it. It's look very clean and tidy. ✌ Another problem I still not solve is that basket of my hair straighteners and massager.  Still thinking of how to organise it.  I organise my stuff with storage system and I save my time and do more others things. The systematic storage system will let us easy to do housework. I love to arrange all my things with system. Will share my experience here.

New husks cutting board

For my friends and fb fans know that cooking is one of my favorite hobbies. However, do you all realise that the kitchen cutting board we use is safe? 发现了我家的砧板已经面目全非了。最近多了一个新爱~麦纤维制造的全天然砧板。 健康无毒,不含双酚A、塑化剂、荧光剂等对人体有害的成分,本身带有淡淡的麦香味道,不渗透不生霉菌,容易清理,适合长期使用。超爱这个新的砧板,而且还有天然的麦香味~~~让我料理也很开心 Since i meet this husk cutting board....i really love it. It's fully eco-friendly, biodergradable, natural, anti bacteria, BPA free and non-toxic. here is the reasons i love it.  In high temperature & moist conditions of the kitchen, bacteria can grow easily. Test on cutting board that have been used for 3 months, Can you imagine how much bacteria we are consuming??? Each square inches contains 2 millions bacterias!!!!  Here are the cutting board i used for sometimes, top is a brand name "IKXX" which i bought RM10 and bottom is husks board i used with same price. After sometimes...the results is scary 看看我以前的从“I”牌店买回来的塑料砧板,,有够恶心了。。里面藏了多少的“细菌”?? Don't save your ...